The V. C. K. Democratic Club for women recent established a Publicity and Social Media committee. The committee’s goals are to publicize VCK and to reach out to local Democratic women in our area who would like to come together to exchange ideas, learn from another and work together toward common goals for our community. One of our goals is also to gain a more diverse membership; both in ethnicity and in age range.
To that end we are engaging in conversations to become more knowledgeable about a variety of groups and interests in our area. We recently asked Cheryl Batts from P.H.O.E.B.E and the Uzuri Project to speak to our committee about the history of the Black Community in Garland Co and the demographics of that community in Garland County today. We learned a lot from our conversation!
Pictured is Ms. Batts and the committee: Kristie Rosset, Larie Engles, Dianne Rogers, and Tina Pakis